Metallic Oil Based Fine Tip Paint Marker Single Piece



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Product Description

  • Fine Tip ,Diameter of Nib: 3.0 mm, Width of Line Stroke: 1.0 – 1.5 mm
  • Plastic Body ,Oil Based Opaque Ink- Resin Markers
  • Pack of 3 Metallic Fine Tip Paint markers , Gold, Silver & White
  • Writes on any surface – Resin, wood, paper, metal, rubber, plastic, stone, glass, terracotta and many more surfaces
  • Quality Product of Brand : PRANSUNITA of Vardhman Fancy Store
  • How to use: – Take this tip which is like spring-loaded tip and pump it gently once you’ll notice nothing comes out, but paint is starting to work the way down the porous tip.
Weight 0.008 kg