Kneadable Charcoal Eraser (2pcs)


Kneadable Charcoal Eraser

  • Made from thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), biodegradable material, as well as recycled charcoal.
  • Erases clean without smudges or excess dust.
  • No crumbling.
  • Perfect for school, office, and professional art use.
  • Non Toxic.


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Product Description

Kneadable Charcoal Eraser

  • Made from thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), biodegradable material, as well as recycled charcoal.
  • Erases clean without smudges or excess dust.
  • No crumbling.
  • Perfect for school, office, and professional art use.
  • Non Toxic.
Weight 0.004 kg